Terms of Reference for the Resourcing of Events Manager Firms for the conduct of Nutrition International’s supported Workshops, Training, Meetings and Conferences for Vitamin A. At Nutrition International

Terms of Reference for the Resourcing of Events Manager Firms for the conduct of Nutrition International’s supported Workshops, Training, Meetings and Conferences for Vitamin A. At Nutrition International

Terms of Reference for the Resourcing of Events Manager Firms for the conduct of  Nutrition International’s supported Workshops, Training, Meetings and Conferences for Vitamin A Supplementation

In brief

Nutrition International is seeking a qualified event management firm to conduct project events as part of an implementation, Advocacy meeting with state commissioners of health in Abuja, Behavioral change Interventions training in Cross River and Enugu states Vitamin A Supplementation (VAS) national roundtable dialogue in Abuja, State Nutrition Officers review workshop in Abuja, Nigeria.

1.0       About Nutrition International

Nutrition International (NI) is a global nutrition organization focused on delivering low-cost, highimpact, nutrition interventions to people in need. Working in partnership with countries, donors and implementers, our experts conduct cutting-edge nutrition research, support critical policy formulation, and integrate nutrition into broader development programs. In more than 60 countries, primarily in Asia and Africa, and for over 30 years, NI’s mission is to be a global leader in finding and scaling solutions to malnutrition. This it does through expanding Coverage: delivering lowcost high, impact nutrition interventions, especially for women, adolescent girls and children in Africa and Asia; Leverage: by integrating nutrition across sectors to maximize impact and ensure there are no missed opportunities; and Influence: by utilizing research, technical assistance, advocacy, and partnerships with national and global nutrition actors to improve policies, programs, and resources for nutrition.

NI achieves these more importantly through enhancing partnership with government institutions, local and international partners, and in strengthening existing structures and systems for effective and sustainable delivery of programs and services.

2.0      Background 

For over 25 years, Nutrition International (NI) has been working at the leading edge of nutrition and has successfully delivered life-saving micronutrients at scale. Each year, NI reaches millions of children under 5 years with Vitamin A Supplements as well as Zinc/Lo-ORS.

Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is a major public health problem worldwide and is among the most important contributors to morbidity and mortality among pre-school age children particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. The National Food Consumption and Micronutrient Survey (NFCMS), 2021 unveiled a national prevalence rate of 31.3% for Vitamin A deficiency among children aged 6-59 months. Despite, high rate of VAD, Nigeria VAS coverage is alarmingly low at 25%. Even with the known recall issues with surveys that are not purposefully designed to assess vitamin A coverage, the reported VAS coverage is still extremely low. (NFCMS, 2021). 

Vitamin A Deficiency (VAD) is a risk factor for under five mortality from measles and diarrhea . 

The government of Nigeria uses the biannual Maternal New-born and Child Health Weeks (MNCHW) to deliver essential health services to families, including VAS for children 6-59 months of age, and to increase demand for maternal and child health services. Over the last five years,

Nutrition International has supported VAS through MNCHW at national and state levels in 14 states. Currently, Nutrition International, in collaboration with UNICEF, is supporting VAS in 7 focus states in Nigeria–Sokoto, Kebbi, Katsina, Jigawa, Kano, Enugu and Cross River State. 

Available evidence suggests implementation of the MNCHW is largely partner driven and states need continual support from partners to effectively plan and implement the MNCHW. Also, because the main delivery platform for the MNCHW is the fixed post health facility, there is an observed marked inequity in the distribution of Vitamin A with those who are most in need being the least served.

The event management firm will assist the NI CO project team with the logistics and administrative processes of the workshops. NI will work closely with the national teams to arrange and agree on activity modality focused on regional or state presence and mobilize resources to improve the VAS coverage in Nigeria.  

3.0       Purpose:

Nutrition International is committed to ensuring that beneficiaries are provided with quality services and care within well-structured, coordinated, and supervised service delivery processes. Leveraging on the capacities and capabilities of international and local partners, NI provides opportunities for engaging partners to implement deliver services events such as meetings, training, seminars, conferences, workshops and symposia on behalf of the organization.

3.0  Objectives of the Consultancy

This consultancy is aimed at engaging the services of the firm to coordinate, plan, and execute national workshops as listed in Annex A, in coordination with NI.

3.1 Activity

  1. Review meeting (Two days) with State Nutrition Officers/ and MNCHW coordinators to review semester 1, 2024 results and plans for next optimized MNCHW; Nutrition International, intends to collaborate with National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) to provide Technical Assistance and Financial support for a 2-day review meeting with State Nutrition Officers and other stakeholders from the 36 States and FCT Abuja to review semester 1, 2024 results and plans for the next MNCHW campaign. Aimed to review optimized MNCHW results for semester 1, 2024 from the 36 States and FCT Abuja, Share successes and proffer solutions to key challenges identified. Participants include national and state level participants, INGO, UN partners.
  2. Conduct Advocacy meeting/workshop with 36 states and FCT Abuja commissioners of health: Nutrition International, proposed to partner with National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) and Federal Ministry Budget and Economic Planning (FMBEP) to provide Technical Assistance and Financial support for a one day advocacy meeting/workshop with the Commissioners of Health from the 36 States and FCT Abuja to review each states MNCHW score card for 2023 using Word Health Organization (WHO) building block systems for health strengthening. This meeting aimed to review the 2023  optimized Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Week (oMNCHW) implementation across the 36 States and FCT Abuja, solicit for State’s commitment in ensuring two rounds of optimized MNCHW

are conducted twice a year within calendar year and at the right interval. Solicit for improved nutrition activities funding in the States and issue communique by 36 states and FCT Abuja commissioners of health on MNCHW implementation.

  1. Vitamin A Supplementation (VAS) Roundtable national Dialogue:  The VAS round table dialogue is expected to be conveyed and led by the Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare aimed to initiate discussion on routine VAS, and advocate for a transition plan for VAS delivery through routine Primary Health Care systems in Nigeria with other national stakeholders such as federal and state government Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs) National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA), UNICEF, HKI, Academia, Civil Societies et Some key objectives of Vitamin A Supplementation (VAS) round table dialogue were to identify challenges and opportunities to achieve high VAS coverage, share and discuss learnings from countries delivering VAS through the routine health system, review mechanisms to improve VAS coverage in Nigeria and develop a strategic national plan/process for efficient transition of VAS from campaign to routine VAS through PHC systems in Nigeria. 
  2. Support for capacity building of health workers/Monitoring on optimized MNCHW in semester 2, 2024 at national level (Abuja): Nutrition International intends to support the National Primary Health Care Development Agency to build the capacity of health managers to monitor the implementation of the optimized MNCHW for efficient implementation of MNCHW . This is expected to help improve the quality of MNCHW implementation and improve reach to all eligible children and women during the one-week event in States. This activity aimed to orient and build the capacity of health managers  and relevant stakeholders on monitoring of Optimized MNCHW, orient health managers  on the checklist for monitoring of Optimized MNCHW in Abuja.  V. VAS Contribution to National Micronutrient Conference 2024: The national

Micronutrient Conference in Nigeria in 2024 convenes at a crucial juncture as the nation faces persistent challenges with micronutrient deficiency, impacting public health and development. Across diverse landscapes and socio-economic contexts, deficiencies in vital micronutrients continue to compromise individual health and impede societal progress. The conference seeks to bolster political and policy coherence, aligning sectors to effectively address these challenges. By facilitating dialogue among stakeholders and sharing successful strategies, it aims to inspire further progress and collaboration in combating malnutrition. Through evidence-based discussions and policy analysis, the conference aims to empower Nigeria to invest in comprehensive solutions for food and nutrition security, fostering a healthier population and sustainable development.

VI. Training of Health Workers on gender equality approaches specifically on Male engagement in Cross River and Enugu states. This activity/training aimed to train community health workers on Behavioral Change Interventions in Cross River and Enugu State to improve the capacity of health workers on male engagement on gender equality approaches. This activity shall be conducted in collaboration with respective State Primary Health Development Agencies of Cross River and Enugu States.

4.     Key Responsibilities

  • Develop a work plan detailing the tasks for each of the proposed and the level of effort in collaboration with NI.
  • Develop and manage the event planning process within approved timelines and budget.
  • Identify suitable venues and conduct site visits to proposed venues.
  • Provide oversight on meal provision through vetted and approved vendors.
  • Handle all protocols, logistic requirements (including hybrid, if necessary), and payments to vendors/suppliers/resource persons/state program teams.
  • Handle all protocols and logistics requirements for participant attendance to events including travel arrangements, issuing of per-diems, and booking of accommodation.
  • Set up event venues including seating and all the necessary visual equipment.
  • Produce and provide event documents including agenda, attendance, minutes/report, evaluation forms, and other advertising materials where needed (i.e., banners).
  • Compile feedback from event evaluation forms and share with NI.
  • Hold state planning meetings with Nutrition International’s team to seek approval on selected venues, vendors, logistics, and meeting documents.
  • Any other services as may be required.

5.     Deliverables of the Consultancy

In close consultation with NI, the Event Management firm is expected to provide the following deliverables for the event:

  • List of proposed meeting venues and vendors (food and accommodations) with quotations from three venues.
  • Detailed plans and budgets for proposed events.
  • Event reports/minutes, pictures, videos, and signed attendance sheets.
  • Compiled evaluation forms.
  • Financial reports for proposed events including signed forms where participants receive funds.
  • Invoices/receipts of payments to vendors and participants including signed forms by each participant in the event they receive

6.     Management and Supervision arrangements

  • Firm to be managed and supervised by NI.
  • All deliverables will be planned in consultation with NI and the State government.
  • Prior approval from NI will be sought for events’ proposed plans and budgets.
  • The selected agency/ consultant will be required to submit venues and vendor quotations at least two weeks prior to the event for approval by NI.
  • Prior approval from NI will be sought for the selection of meeting venues and proposed food vendors.

7.0       Key Specifications for Event Management Firm:

An ideal event management firm to be considered for this role, must be one that meets the following criteria:

  1. A company registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC)
    1. At least 3 years Tax Clearance Certificate
    1. Has the capacity to coordinate and manage meeting logistics nationwide.
    1. Robust financial structures to process payments to third parties e.g. participants and hotels.
    1. At least three years relevant experience in event management.
    1. Provide at least three references from previous jobs done.  
    1. Experience, quality of job done, financial reporting, and budget.
  • Timeline of the Assignment:

The timeline for the completion of this assignment is as agreed and contained in Annex D.

  • Cost of the Assignment: 

The applicable cost for the assignment is inclusive of the service charge as contained in the approved event plan and budget. 

An electronic copy of the technical and financial proposals in MSWord and MS Excel should be submitted to NI by 5th July 2024 to [email protected]  

  1. Mode of payment:
  2. 75% payment on expenses upon approval of event plan and budget. 
  3. 25% of expenses upon completion of agreed tasks, submission of the activity report and invoices.

Annex A         Services Required

Event Event DescriptionProposed date LocationNo         of DaysDurat ionNo of participantsNo of the particip ants required accomm odationMeals (L: lunch, TB: tea break); DSA
1. Conduct review meeting (Two days) with State Nutrition Officers/         and MNCHW coordinators to review semester 2, 2024 results and plans for next optimized MNCHWresource person, 5 FMOH &SW,     6     NPHCDA,       2 FMBEP , 1 NPC, 1 CS SUN, UNICEF, 3 Nutrition International, 1 Save the children, 3 HKI, 1 Vitamin Angels, 1 Alive and Thrive, 1 CHAI,  37 SNOs, 3  media August 12-13, 2024Abuja  2 days7-8 hours2 resource persons, 37 state participants (SNOs),                14 National government staff,  14 participants from partners, 3 media (70 participants)362 L, 4TB and  36 DSA
2.            Conduct Advocacy meeting/worksh op with 36 states and FCT Abuja2 Resource persons to support the one-day advocacy meeting with 37 states commissioners of health to review MNCHW score cardsSeptember 2nd 2024Abuja17 – 8 hours2 resource persons, 37                     State Commissioners of health, 3 FMOH, 3 NPHCDA,              2 FMBEP,                 236          1L, 2TB & 36 DSA
commissioners of health     UNICEF, 3 NI, 2 HKI,      1      CHAI (Total participants 55)             
3. Conduct the National VAS Stakeholders Roundtable Dialogue 15 Representatives from SPHCDAs, 2, resource persons, 5 FMOH&SW, 6 NPHCDA, 3 FMBEP, 2 CS SUN,  4 UNICEF,1 WHO, 1 NAFDAC 6 Nutrition International         (Including Regional and HQ team) 3 HKI, 1 Vitamin Angels, 1 Alive and Thrive, 1 CHAI, 1 World Bank (ANRIN), 3 Academia, 1 Nutrition Society of Nigeria (NSN) and 3 media (Total participants 60)October 78, 2024Abuja2 days7-8 hours2 resource person,  15 SPHCDAs, 14 National MDAs, 21 partners,          3 Academia, 3 media, 1 NSN.152L, 4TB & 15DSA
4.          Conduct capacity building           of health workers on monitoring of  optimized MNCHW in semester 2, 20242    resource    persons,    15 SNOs,          5     FMOH,     7 NPHCDA, 2 FMBEP, 2 CS SUN, 17 partners  UNICEF, Nutrition International, Save the children, BMGF, HKI, Vitamin Angels, Alive and Thrive, CHAI October 14th 2024Abuja1 day7-8 hours2 resource persons, 15     SNOs,          4 FMOH,                 5 NPHCDA, 2 FMBEP, 2 CS SUN, 16 partners  UNICEF, Nutrition International, Save the children,151L, 2TB & DSA
at national level (Abuja)        BMGF,           HKI, Vitamin Angels, Alive and Thrive, CS SUN, CHAI, 2 Academia (50 participants)  
VAS Contribution to National Micronutrient                           15 SNOs, 7 FMOH, 5 NPHCDA, 2 FMBEP, 2 CS SUN, 14 partners UNICEF, Nutrition International, Save the children, BMGF, HKI, Vitamin Angels, Alive and Thrive, CHAINovember 11th 2024Abuja1 day7-8 hours15 SPHCDAs/SNOs, 6   FMOH,                 4 NPHCDA, 2 FMBEP, 2 CS SUN,   11 participants     from partners UNICEF, Nutrition International, Save the children, BMGF, HKI (Total 40 participants)15IL,       2TB &DSA
  Training          of Health Workers on gender equality approaches specifically on Male engagement in Cross River and Enugu statesi. Training: 2 resource persons to facilitate the training in Cross River and Enugu States, 130 health workers from nearest LGAs (65 each Cross River and Enugu States) for one day training in Enugu and Calabar respectively. (Local14th August, 2024Calabar and Enugu 1/2day4 hours65 health workers each from Enugu and Cross River States No1. Training 2L, 4 TB (Calabar and Enugu)   Communit y             level event:  2 TB
  Transportation only and no DSA)       
 ii.Advocacy at community level: For Health facility and community level activity: Advocate to 15 community leaders and 15 health workers on male engagement (Total 30 per Enugu and Cross River states)       
 iii.  Community Dialogue session: Health workers to carry out one day community dialogue session with 30 community members each in Enugu and Cross River state on the role of male engagement in supporting women’s access and utilization of nutrition and health services.         

Annex B         Scope of Work

Project NameActivity TypeScope of Work
VAS ISGConduct review meeting (Two days) with State Nutrition Officers/ and MNCHW coordinators to review semester 1, 2024 results and plans for next optimized MNCHW campaignReview activity budget with the government MDA to ensure it captures all required cost (staying within the total activity budget cap) Submit reversed budget for approval. Disburse funds according to the approved activity budget Book venues Generate event description and logistic plan with detailed checklist. Liaise with meeting participants and provide regular event updates. Manage logistics including meeting materials, accommodation, transportation, feeding and other incidentals for all participants. Maintain partnership with vendors  Present post event report
VAS ISGConduct          Advocacy meeting/workshop with 36 states and FCT Abuja
VAS ISGConduct the National VAS Stakeholders Roundtable Dialogue
VAS ISGConduct capacity building of health workers on monitoring of optimized MNCHW in semester 2, 2024 
VAS ISG    VAS contribution to National Micronutrient                           
VAS ISGTraining of Health Workers on gender equality approaches specifically on Male engagement in Cross River and Enugu states 

Annex C – Deliverables 

Project NameActivity NameDeliverables
VAS ISGConduct review meeting (Two days) with State Nutrition Officers/ and MNCHW coordinators to review semester 2, 2024 results and plans for next optimized MNCHW campaignSigned attendance and Payment list Finalized logistics plan/checklist. Sample of meeting materials before final production Participants list including contact information. List of pre-qualified vendors and caterers invoices/receipts of payments to other vendors Post event reports.  
VAS ISGConduct Advocacy meeting/workshop with 36 states and FCT Abuja
VAS ISGConduct       the       National        VAS Stakeholders Roundtable Dialogue

 | P a g e

VAS ISGConduct capacity building of health workers on monitoring of optimized MNCHW in semester 2, 2024 
VAS ISG    VAS      contribution      to      National Micronutrient                           
VAS ISGTraining of Health Workers on gender equality approaches specifically on Male engagement in Cross River and Enugu states

Annex D: Timelines:  June to November 2024

Project NameActivity NameJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember 
VAS ISGConduct review meeting (Two days) with State Nutrition Officers/ and MNCHW coordinators to review semester 1, 2024 results and plans for next optimized MNCHW campaign  X   
VAS ISGConduct          Advocacy meeting/workshop with 36 states and FCT Abuja   X  
VAS ISGConduct     the     National      VAS Stakeholders Roundtable Dialogue    X 
VAS ISGConduct capacity building of health workers on monitoring of optimized MNCHW in semester 2, 2024    X 
VAS ISGVAS contribution to National Micronutrient                                X
VAS ISGTraining of Health Workers on gender equality approaches specifically on Male engagement in Cross River and Enugu states  X   

Administrative Support Services Agreement_ Attachment B – Budget_VAS May 2024 _ Updated

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