Call For Expression Of Interest For Engagement Of Community-Based Organizations (CBOS) For Integrated CLM Implementation (CBOS)
INTERVENTION AREA: Integrated Community-Led Monitoring Interventions SUPERVISION: Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS in Nigeria (NEPWHAN).
- Selected LGAs in Akwa-Ibom, Bauchi, Edo, Sokoto, Benue, Kogi, Nasarawa, Ondo, Oyo, Abia, Imo, Borno, Kebbi States.
- Monthly Office Running Costs and Internet Subscription for the CBOs under the CLM implementation in each of the 13 states and Staffing for two key positions within the CBOs(Program/M&E Officer and Finance Officer).
- CBO Selection, Capacity Building, Tool Pilot, Stakeholder Engagement, Post-visit Analysis and Reporting, Scale-Up and Sustainability, Data Collection and CLM by the CBOs.
PROJECT DURATION: Jan 2025- Sept 2026
The Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS in Nigeria (NEPWHAN) was established in 1998 as a non-governmental Organization to serve as a collective voice of PLHIV in the Country. The Organization is registered with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Nigeria in September 2004. NEPWHAN is now Seventeen (17) Years Old as a vibrant patient community network in Nigeria. The network formed since 1998 has established structures at the zonal and all the States in Nigeria, including the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). NEPWHAN is saddled with the responsibility of coordinating, supervising and monitoring activities and programs of over 1030 support groups membership across the Federation making it one of the biggest Patient networks in Africa. To respond to the peculiar needs of different population groups, NEPWHAN has formed constituent bodies; the Association of Youth Living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria (APYIN), Association of Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria (ASWHAN), Association of Religious Leaders Living with and Personally Affected by HIV/AIDS (NINERELA+). NEPWHAN’s goal is “to advocate for the rights of PLHIV in Nigeria and seek to put in place comprehensive HIV and AIDS prevention, care and support services; with a vision to see “a country where PLHIV are given equal rights and privileges like every other member of the society”. Our core Mission “To empower, strengthen and coordinate all support groups, state networks, constituencies, associations and organizations of people living with HIV and AIDS in Nigeria to contribute meaningfully to the national response”.
The engagement of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) is proposed within the framework of the Global Fund Global Cycle 7 (GC7) Community and Private-Public-Mix Expansion in TB and HIV Prevention, Diagnostic, and Treatment Services (N-THRIP) grant, where NEPWHAN as a SubRecipient to the Principal Recipient (IHVN) is implementing various interventions across Nigeria. The GC7 approach emphasizes people-centered services, community engagement, and sustainable transformation through partnerships with government and civil society organizations (CSOs)/CBOs in their diversities. Despite progress in health, Nigeria faces significant challenges, particularly in HIV/AIDS, key populations (KP), malaria, and tuberculosis (TB), necessitating comprehensive and community-centered approaches. CBOs are recognized for their grassrootslevel interventions, local knowledge, and networks – which is why the role of the CBOs is critical in this intervention.
The proposed engagement of CBOs aims to enhance community-led monitoring (CLM) data generation, and representation of key community members, and promote community ownership and data utilization at the local level. It also seeks to empower community members, CBOs, and Support Groups to drive inclusive HIV/AIDS responses across Nigeria. By leveraging community-led monitoring and the collective strength of CBOs, this initiative aims to bring about positive changes in Nigeria’s health landscape, leading to better health outcomes and the wellbeing of all communities.
Against this background, NEPWHAN is inviting Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from eligible Civil social organizations – CSOs(CBOs, Support Groups, KP-led CBOs etc. in their diversities), working on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and/or Malaria. Applications will be accepted from Communitybased organizations interested in implementing the Integrated CLM interventions in Akwa-Ibom, Bauchi, Edo, Sokoto, Benue, Kogi, Nasarawa, Ondo, Oyo, Abia, Imo, Borno, and Kebbi States.
Eligible organizations include Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Community-Based Organizations/Support Groups of People Living with HIV/AIDS, KP-led CBOs/Support Groups, and Malaria and Tuberculosis community-based organizations.
- The Strategic Objective for the CLM programme is to utilize a data-driven approach to improve service delivery and client outcomes for end users of services at the facility and community levels.
- To gather relevant evidence from selected community organizations through community Led Monitoring of HIV, TB and malaria programs at community level to determine availability, accessibility, affordability and quality of services for General Population and key population groups.
Below are key elements of activities to be implemented by selected CBOs.
- Educate PLHIV , AYPs, and Key population, and community leaders on HIV prevention & treatment, related rights and standards of care.
- Conduct Mapping of Health Facilities & Community Data collection points
- Conduct facility start-up entry meeting and submission of Ethical approval and an introductory letter from Facility management board and Ministry of health
- Routine Quantitative data collection and Client exit interview.
- Quarterly Qualitative data collection (FGD/KII)
- Engage and provide oversight to CLMTs
- Support awareness of the use of the Community iMonitor application, Installation and mentorship to community members on how to use the application.
- Carry out Routine Advocacy and Engagement meetings using CLM Findings at the subnational level.
- Participate and support NEPWHAN in the Quarterly State Steering committee and dissemination meeting.
- Support referral and linkage of GHR/GBV report to NEPWHAN CRAs.
- Engagement of relevant key decision-makers to promote laws against discrimination stigma and human rights abuses.
- Sensitize healthcare workers on new laws concerning the rights and welfare of PLHIV and key populations.
- Conduct community outreaches to sensitize the community members on GBV and GHR.
Interested applicants are to carefully follow these instructions:
- Eligible organizations include Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), CommunityBased Organizations/Support Groups of People Living with HIV/AIDS, KP-led Support Groups, Malaria and Tuberculosis community-based organizations only.
- Applicants (CBO) must have a physical and a standard office in the state of their application.
- The subject of the email should read: “CLM/GF/INTERVENTION AREA/STATE/Name of your organization” (e.g., CLM/GF/HIV/EDO/SUNSHINE INITIATIVE).
Interested organizations should submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) containing the following.
- Expression of interest Cover letter
- Organizational profile:containing- Physical Office Address, Contact/Focal Person, Phone number and Email (PDF file- 5 pages Max)
- Certificate of Registration: CAC Certificate, State/LGA Certificates of registration.
- Motivation letter: Stating previous projects and activities executed in the past with Means of Verification eg Pictures, Reports, Memorandum of Association and Service Level Agreements etc.
- Two Reference letters: From previous partners (One must be from a government establishment).
NOTE: Scan all the above-mentioned requirements and share them as a single PDF file attachment.
Interested and qualified candidates should forward their CV to: [email protected] and [email protected] using the position as subject of email.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 2 weeks from the Advert date.