Tag: divide

Digital Divide Data (DDD) – As the recognized founder of the global “impact sourcing” industry, DDD transforms lives through running social enterprises. Our core model is a socially responsible BPO firm with a mission to run sustainable training and employment Read more…

Digital Divide Data (DDD) is a US-based non-profit, mission-driven enterprise with the goal of using technology and digital skills to bridge the divide between economically and socially marginalized youth and employment opportunities that lead to a sustainable and viable future. Read more…

Digital Divide Data (DDD) is a US-based non-profit, mission-driven enterprise with the goal of using technology and digital skills to bridge the divide between economically and socially marginalized youth and employment opportunities that lead to a sustainable and viable future. Read more…

Digital Divide Data (DDD) is a US-based non-profit, mission-driven enterprise with the goal of using technology and digital skills to bridge the divide between economically and socially marginalized youth and employment opportunities that lead to a sustainable and viable future. Read more…

Digital Divide Data (DDD) is a US-based non-profit, mission-driven enterprise with the goal of using technology and digital skills to bridge the divide between economically and socially marginalized youth and employment opportunities that lead to a sustainable and viable future. Read more…

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