Assistant Advisor for Cooperation and Cultural Action /accademic and Academic Cooperation Officer (F/h) at Alliance Francaise de Lagos

Assistant Advisor for Cooperation and Cultural Action /accademic and Academic Cooperation Officer (F/h) at Alliance Francaise de Lagos

Alliance Française de Lagos is a 65-year-old French Language and Cultural Centre, a member of the world largest cultural network with more than 840 centres across the globe.

  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Qualification: MBA/MSc/MA
  • Location: Abuja
  • Job Field: Project Management 

Synthetic description of the position

Under the authority of COCAC (Cultural cooperation and action advisor) you will ensure : 

  • the development of student mobility and academic and scientific partnerships structured by the coordination of the CampusFrance system and the creation of new mechanisms and partnerships
  • strengthening the attractiveness of France
  • the contribution to the debate of ideas and the rapprochement of the academic, economic and institutional circles
  • animation of the scientific and academic network
  • monitoring of university projects FEF
  • You will ensure the proper functioning of the Study in France procedure in Nigeria.
  • You will also support the COCAC in its functions of management and management of the’french Institute of Nigeria and will participate in the definition and implementation of the policy of influence of France in Nigeria.

Main activities

  • analysis, support, setting up of new cooperation projects in the scientific (joint programmes, Hubert Curien, joint laboratories) and academic (joint programmes, capacity-building programmes, Erasmus+, etc, etc)
  • Taking into account and setting up of financing
  • piloting and monitoring of projects of the team france fund (FEF)
  • management of cooperation programmes to promote student exchange (master or equivalent) and researcher mobility: cooperation with partners to be identified and development of programming
  • promotion of the higher education and research system throughout Nigeria : organisation of events and active participation of the team in local higher education fairs ; conferences ; etc ;communication tools.
  • Accompaniment of French scientific and academic delegations visiting Nigeria
  • Scientific and technological monitoring, monitoring of IFRA activities, regular contacts with Nigerian academics, researchers and institutions, listening to their requests and expectations
  • Management of scholarships in connection with partners, academic and scientific missions, language courses on Prisme 
  • follow-up to the Study in France procedure in Lagos and Abuja
  • Participation in the definition and implementation of our policy of influence
  • Management of an institution with financial autonomy (FAE) in case of absence of COCAC.
  • Management of the Service de cooperation et d’action culturelle (SCAC) and the teams of the EAF French Institute of Nigeria under the authority of COCAC.Accompaniment of French scientific and academic delegations visiting Nigeria
  • Scientific and technological monitoring, monitoring of IFRA activities, regular contacts with Nigerian academics, researchers and institutions, listening to their requests and expectations
  • Management of scholarships in connection with partners, academic and scientific missions, language courses on Prisme 
  • follow-up to the Study in France procedure in Lagos and Abuja
  • Participation in the definition and implementation of our policy of influence
  • Management of an institution with financial autonomy (FAE) in case of absence of COCAC.
  • Management of the Service de cooperation et d’action culturelle (SCAC) and the teams of the EAF French Institute of Nigeria under the authority of COCAC.Accompaniment of French scientific and academic delegations visiting Nigeria
  • Scientific and technological monitoring, monitoring of IFRA activities, regular contacts with Nigerian academics, researchers and institutions, listening to their requests and expectations
  • Management of scholarships in connection with partners, academic and scientific missions, language courses on Prisme 
  • follow-up to the Study in France procedure in Lagos and Abuja
  • Participation in the definition and implementation of our policy of influence
  • Management of an institution with financial autonomy (FAE) in case of absence of COCAC.
  • Management of the Service de cooperation et d’action culturelle (SCAC) and the teams of the EAF French Institute of Nigeria under the authority of COCAC.

Diplomas or professional experience recommended to perform the duties

  • Master Level.
  • Knowledge or mastery of’a local language would be an asset. Knowledge of the region as well.

Method of Application


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