HTS Counselor/Testers At Mobile Foundation for Health Security and Rehabilitation Nigeria (MHSR)

HTS Counselor/Testers At Mobile Foundation for Health Security and Rehabilitation Nigeria (MHSR)

Mobile Foundation for Health Security and Rehabilitation Nigeria (MHSR) is a YOUTH -led initiative that focuses on Mobile Health Services, Sexual Health Education, Mobile HIV /STI Screening, Human Right and Advocacy, Capacity Building, Mental Health, Research and Documentation, Establishment of support groups and rehabilitation of Key Population through housing initiative for community that are most at risk to infection and diseases especially the Adolescents. MHSR is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization dedicated to giving mobile health services, doing research, training and advocacy for vulnerable groups especially Key Populations to improve their health and build their capacity for a better standard of living. MHSR was founded on March 1st 2014 and aims to reach Key Populations with quality HIV holistic services through collaborations with partners.

Alignment with organizational Vision, Mission and Goals 

Our Vision is to create a world with equality for vulnerable people with improved access to health care, human right and well-being. MHSR is positioned to inspire and committed to achieve program goals by providing an enabling environment for equal rights, target achievements with passionate individuals determined to affect lives positively. 

Our mission at MHSR is; to create a guaranteed society that promotes dignity and Health living that enables positive behavioral change, advocate and lobby against stigma, discrimination and marginalization of sexual minorities through sensitization, Sexual Health/ Human Rights literacy, advocate for an enabling and secured environment that supports the well-being of vulnerable Persons.

Mobile Foundation for Health Security & Rehabilitation (MHSR) are seeking to recruit HTS Counselor Testers will be responsible for providing HIV Testing Services to patients and clients seeking services at the community and OSS using provider-initiated testing  and counselling (PITC), voluntary counselling and testing (VCT), Safe and Ethical Index Testing, HIV Self Testing, and other novel HTS approaches. They will be responsible for working closely with other service providers to ensure that the quality of HTS services is sustained as defined by the HTS National standards. The HTS Counselor Testers will also be responsible in providing the holistic Prevention Package interventions such as Pre- Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), Condoms, Lubricants, STI/ TB Screening and referral for further syndromic management, Behavioral Interventions, Post- Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), Accompanied referral for all identified GBV cases and other linkage services through HIV Testing Services (HTS).

Number of Staff Needed: 10

Specific Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Create awareness and provide education about the existence of HIV testing services
  2. Support in the identification of New Key Population Hotspot 
  3. Lead in the mobilization of clients for HTS
  4. Provide pre/post-test HIV counselling ensuring that clients understand risk factors, prevention methods and other relevant issues
  5. Screen all Key Population for STI, TB and refer for further management.
  6. Provide confidential HIV testing to clients, as per national HTS guidelines
  7. Provide on-going counselling and make relevant referrals for on-going support
  8. Always ensure quality of HTS services
  9. Document and maintain accurate HTS records including referrals and report on referral outcomes
  10. Compile and submit HTS reports on a daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly basis to the supervisor
  11. Timely requests for all the necessary consumables for undertaking HTS activities
  12. Ensure HTS optimization in the community and 100% linkage to ART Services 
  13. 100% offer rate of safe and ethical index testing Services
  14. Provide Information Education Communication services to Key Population
  15. Perform any other duties as directed by the supervisor

Key Working Relationships:

Direct Supervisor:                      Program Officer

Indirect Supervisor:                   Monitoring & Evaluation Officer Supervisees:                 Nil

Qualification and Skills

  • A Minimum of College School Degree (WAEC, NECO), BSc in any relevant Health related or Social Sciences field with a minimum of 2 years’ relevant experience in implementing targeted community HIV Testing Services for Key Population.
  • Previous or current experince with Key Population programming            Certificate in HTS accredited by SACA, NASCP, or NACA.
  • Conducted and Passed Proficiency Tests
  • Demonstrated ability to work within a team environment
  • Excellent written, listening and oral communications skills
  • Demonstrated ability to prioritize tasks and work well under pressure
  • Excellent use of android application and computer literacy, particularly in the use of MS Office
  • Proficiency in both written and spoken English and other Nigerian languages 
  • Ability to conceptualize and understand program needs


This Position is in Lagos –State 

Send in your CVs and Cover letter in PDF through:  [email protected]  

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